Candidates information sheet

  • 1. Name and surname

  • Category: scientific achievement
    (Weight of the category: 20)

  • 2. Academic title in physics or material engineering or radiopharmaceutical science

    Describe your academic titles and your past positions as scientist, starting with your PhD.

  • 3. Papers in international, peer-reviewed journals

    Give the number of your scientific publications, which you are author or co-author of.

    Give the titles and full details of your five most relevant publications relevant for NOMATEN area of research.

  • 4. Hirsch index / Citations

    Provide your Hirsh index.
    Give the number of citations of your publications.
    Give the titles and full details of your three most cited publications.
  • 5. Patents or patent applications

    Give the number of your patents and their titles, with a brief description of their content.
  • 6. Conference proceedings

    Give the number of your conference proceedings.

    Give the titles and full details of your five most relevant conference proceedings for NOMATEN area of research.

  • 7. PhD directions/promotorships

    Give the number of PhD students, which you supervised or promoted.

    Give the name of the PhD student, the year of the thesis defence and the titles of their PhD thesis.
